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Head’s Day Off!
Lindsay Mathias

On Wednesday morning it was announced to the entire school that it would be a Head’s Day Off! School was canceled?! Well, almost…


On Wednesday morning it was announced to the entire school that it would be a Head’s Day Off! School was canceled?! Well, almost…

Mrs. Marlette arranged for all students, faculty, and staff to get on buses and head to the North Park Theatre to see the movie Cabrini. Cabrini was filmed in Buffalo and was just released on March 8 for International Women’s Day. It is a story of Italian immigrant Francesca Cabrini. She steps foot in America in 1889, she is greeted by disease, crime, and impoverished children living in New York’s slums. Armed with a fearless spirit and a compassionate heart, Cabrini sets off on a daring mission to convince the hostile mayor to secure housing and healthcare for society’s most vulnerable. Despite broken English and poor health, Cabrini leverages her entrepreneurial mind to build an empire of hope unlike anything the world had ever seen. 

After the movie we came back to 十大彩票平台 where we had lunch, played games, had a silent disco, sang karaoke, and enjoyed the day with no classes. Thank you, Mrs. Marlette and Mrs. More for planning this wonderful day and for giving everyone a much needed day of fun!

Check out our Flickr album for photos from the day.